Pit Stop

I'm not going to be stuck here forever. I won't let myself be this miserable for so long.

This is a pit stop.

Once I figure out the next road I'm taking, I'll be on my way.

I don't have a map telling me where to go besides my mind and my heart. As cheesy as that sounds, I've learned a lot in the past 10 months of my life, that making choices for yourself is the most important thing. The people who love you will accept those decisions, and following that, you will begin to love the life you've started to create for yourself.

I can't wait to get to that point.

And hopefully it won't take me too long to get there.

Wow I use a lot of metaphors.

Anyway, I'm at this pit stop, and it's almost time for me to get back in the car and drive. The only question is, who's along for the ride or am I in it by myself?

- J


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