Enjoying It While It Lasts

This time of my life is going to breeze by. It's not a question. Just like our childhoods and just like high school, time is going to slip out of our fingertips.

College is four years of our lives. That's a tiny fraction within all the time that we'll spend on this earth. Plus, so many things can change in that time. Who knows if we'll still be at this school, in the situations we're in, doing the things that we like doing. Who knows if the people in our everyday lives will stay there. Who knows if we'll be the same person that we are now down the line.

I sure as hell don't know.

Personally, that adds both excitement and hesitation in life.

I'm just going to do my best to enjoy it while it lasts because if we spend our time constantly feeling anxious and maybe even scared about what comes next in our lives, we'll miss out on everything right now. It's definitely easier said than done. But I can try.

I have no idea what's coming my way, but life happens. So I'm going to take every opportunity to learn something new and do my best to not let anything stop me.

A struggle that I'm trying to overcome, is letting my thoughts take control of my life. I can't waste my time focused on expecting or dreaming for something specific to happen while a whole world is going on outside. I can't allow myself to waste my time anymore.

Nothing lasts forever.

That's it. I'm just going to try and enjoy it while it lasts. That's all I can do right now.

- J


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