Bump in the Road

It's not a transitioning point. It's a ginormous, unavoidable bump in the road.

Ok, I'm still not in good shape but I was too anxious and too inspired to prevent myself to get back to writing any longer. (I still don't know who in the world even reads this, but every time I would go online and see my stats, I'd have a decent amount of views for not posting anything for 5 weeks.)

Anyway, I've reached the biggest, most irritating bump in the road I could've ever imagined. You see, I'm not able to keep my sanity for very long when something is being "shoved down my throat". Especially when it's not my cup of tea. As I sit here eating my raspberry sorbet that I picked up on my last Target run, I continue to seriously contemplate what the hell I got myself into. (No, I'm not sorry if the word 'hell' offended anyone.)

This bump that I have to slowly drag myself over, has definitely taught me a lot. But I've been ready to get over this shit since the day it started preventing me from being myself. Over time, I intend to share the stories of the lessons I've learned with you. However, due to the state of mind and well-being that I'm in, I don't consider this as being the best time.

This bump in the road has taken quite the toll on me mentally, physically and especially emotionally. I just hope that once I get over this bump, I'll be somewhat back to normal.

I don't know why we're given these hard battles. But I do know that there's a good possibility that we can benefit from them. It's just hard, irritating and tiring when as soon as you get over one bump in the road, there's one waiting for you right after.

- J


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