College Is Teaching Me What???

This is me.

I don't feel like I've been prepared enough for this and it's too late because I'm already over a third of the way done with this semester.

However, going to college is the biggest adventure that I've embarked on and here's what I've learned so far.

I've learned how to be on time to whatever I'm attending (or most things)
I've learned that being yourself is better than being what everyone else expects or wants you to be
I've learned that reading is truly a huge part of learning
I've learned that genuine people do exist
I've learned that sometimes the toaster in the lounge is missing
I've learned that family will be the constant faces in your life so appreciate that
I've learned that I can't rely on the trolleys to get me to class on time
I've learned that I can balance a social life, academic life and writing life easier than I thought I would
I've learned that being dependent on someone else is an unhealthy lifestyle
I've learned that sleep is a gift that only few are lucky to experience for more than 7 hours a day
I've learned that laundry isn't that big of a chore
I've learned that you don't need to explain yourself to everybody
I've learned that your life story can't be written by anyone but yourself
I've learned that physical health, mental health and happiness couldn't be more important
I've learned that even when I'm sad, my strength is always rowing
I've learned that this was a huge step but maybe I was ready to take it

Yes, I said "I've learned" a lot, but that's just because I've learned a lot.

Now, if only I can get through the rest of this year.

- J


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