Fork in the Road

So now I finally have some options.

However, I have absolutely no idea what is best for me.

All of the paths laid out in front of me have pro's and con's. And it's only a matter of time until whichever path I choose, develops a new set of options, a new set of paths that I will have to choose from again.

I have no idea what I'm doing.

It may not seem like I'm just winging it, but I am. I'm not thinking about my life five to ten years from now. I'm thinking about this chapter of my life, the present, and how I'm going to follow this path that I'm currently on.

I'm still faced with the current challenge of what path I will embark on next. And I don't know how to choose it either. It'll take a bit of time but I'll get there eventually.


I'm just trying to get my mindset back. SOS.

- J


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