Love for Lovato

6 years ago, a death in my family left me in a lost place. I had lost my grandfather to cancer. He was my best friend. A couple months later, Demi Lovato had also lost her grandfather. After this event in my life, helping my grandma cope and some friend issues that I was dealing with, Demi released an album titled "Unbroken". I listened to this album every night as I sat on my bathroom floor singing my heart out and occasionally shedding some tears. (Ok. A lot of tears.) I had always loved music but this album had helped me through so much, that it was truly the first time I had felt the full power of music and lyrics. Demi helped me through a lot. She's inspired me so much that in 8th grade, my friend and I sang one of her songs in our school's talent show. After our final performance being in front of the parents, friends and family, we were surprised with tickets to Demi's concert as our graduation present.

 August 14th, 2016

I am lucky enough to have been able to see one of my greatest inspirations for the fifth time in concert. Also, being with the same friend that I sang her song with in the talent show. I have much love and appreciation for Demi and her music and this means a lot to me sentimentally since I've just graduated from high school and her music has helped me through so many things throughout the past 8 years of my life.  Her music has made me feel like I'm not alone and the strength in her songs brings out the strength in me. I have much love for Lovato.

Emily & I

Thank you, Demi.

- Jillian

More photos: @jillianybarra/@jkyinthesky


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