New New

This is so new.

I know I try to be positive in my posts but this time, it's just too hard for me to bother. So. This is so new. And I'm not really a fan of it. It's very difficult to be apart of something when it feels like no one wants you to be apart of it. I'm done trying.

Ok. It's a new day. I wrote that first part when I was sitting in my room, crying my eyes out because I was so upset that I haven't met many people who seemed like they wanted to keep a conversation with me. To be completely honest, that is depressing. Feeling like you aren't worthy of a response or even a smile. But I woke up today feeling a little differently. I think I was so anxious to make new friends that I forgot that the best friends come out of no where. I forgot about what I've learned over the past four years. So after remembering that friendships can't be forced, I started enjoying my time a little bit more. I started to relax. People who I ended up talking with had good conversations. Sure, I'll say hi to someone that I've met before. But I'm not going to force myself to have a conversation that's not natural. I'll meet plenty of people this year. I already have met a few. And it hasn't even started yet.

This is a new experience that a lot of people I know are going through. I've heard this phrase too many times this week but I'll share it with you in case it's not engraved into your brain. "Everyone's in the same boat." The fact that I'm about to learn more life lessons is just amazing. I hope I get some helpful ones that I can share with you.

I got way too anxious. But it's ok. I'll meet people when they're put in my path.

I'm excited (not anxious) for when that happens.

- Jillian


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