
Dear Minnesota,

You've always been such a good friend of mine. In fact, you've been one of my best friends for so many years that I wouldn't be half the girl I am today without you. I know how scared and hesitant I am just to go up north, so I've been thinking a lot about how you must be feeling. When I think about you going this far, to a new place the opposite of our home, I think about how cool that is. I think about how much courage that takes. I think about all the new experiences you're going to have. (I can't wait to hear about all of them by the way in our group Skype sessions) But anyway, I get sad and excited thinking about you leaving. Sad because I'm going to miss you and how our reconnection has made some really amazing memories but excited because I have such a strong feeling that this is going to be such an amazing time in your life. I can sense how much you'll grow and succeed. We've both realized many things this summer, especially about being grateful for where we've come from. I will also be missing the sunsets, sitting on the beach, and the sunny weather. It's America's "Finest City". I've never realized that until now. But when you come back, we'll go do all those things that we'll miss because I'll also miss doing those things with you and the crew. (I can't wait to reunite in the winter.) I just want you to know that along with many other people in your life, I'm incredibly proud of you and I'll miss you immensely. You're going to do great things. I just know it. Thank you for being such an amazing human being and my other half the past however many years of my life. You'll bring the sun to Minnesota this fall. Thank you for everything you've done for me, all the deliriously late nights, all the concert trips and all the other things we've done together that I'll never forget.

Remember... California will always be your home.

Also, I'm always a text or a call away.

Love, California


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