
I hope to be good at something someday. Like really good at something.

My parents used to tell me that I had "natural ability". Wether it was for sports, art or whatever I was getting into at the time. But I feel like as I've started to grow up, I've lost most of my "natural ability". It's kind of a downer as I'm going off into the real world  and I'm expected to know what I should be doing with my life.

But I have no idea.

Sure, there's things I love doing but I don't feel good enough at those things to be able to build a career or a life out of them. Or make a difference. But I also want the feeling of knowing that I'm above average at something. I feel like we all want to be good at something, wether we know what that is in this moment or not. A feeling of self worth which is important to have.

I hope to be good at something someday. Mostly, so I can feel like I've benefitted the world in some way. We're all meant to do something.

We'll all get there someday.

- Jillian


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