
We don't realize how lucky we are until we see ourselves in a worse situation. It's the sad truth but it's reality. We may think we don't have the best life right now or maybe things aren't totally going our way, but everything could be so much worse. First hand, this summer I've experienced some new things and I've seen some pretty rough lifestyles, relationships and overall life situations. I know it's easier said than done, believe me. But it takes a little push from the universe to show us how great we actually have it. Now, my perspectives have changed. I'm grateful for my home, for my family, for the chance to better my education, for the knowledge I already have, for adventures I've been on, for friends I've shared my brightest and darkest days with, for the ability to share what I'm feeling through art and so much more. Just be aware that your little push could come at any moment and I hope that you turn it into something positive and learn from it. I hope you never stop learning. I hope you're lucky enough to be able to continue to learn and that the things you go through in your life remind you how lucky you truly are.

It's all perspective. Now, go live your life like you're the luckiest person in the entire world.
Yup, that's the right attitude.

- Jillian


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