Sand in the Hourglass

Time is passing whether we like it or not. And we never have as much time as we'd hoped for. I know this from experience. I'm going through this right now. I graduated in June and in a week, my best friend and I will be starting to move into our dorms, 2,000 miles away. I just got back from a ten day trip across the country with a day between that and a seven day trip to Hawaii and I never thought I'd be this happy to be home. I love to travel but I missed home and the people I've been spending all summer with. I'm just trying to soak up as much as I can this week because I guess I'll miss this place a little more than I expected to. I know I'm not going too far but it's a change from what I'm used to and it's a new chapter of my life that will be so different that everything I've known the past 17 years of my life. College. But I was just in high school... It's all happening so fast. I watch each grain of sand pass through the hourglass for a moment but then I remember watching time pass is just wasting time and I need to make as many memories as possible with the small amount of time that I still possess.

Can I get a bigger hourglass? Thanks.

- Jillian


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