Sun Burns

I'm about to go really cheesy here and relate a sun burn to life so if that kinda post ain't your cup of tea, then you might wanna skip this one.

I just got a really really bad sunburn. It's on the back of my legs and it hurts to sit down. It's gonna hurt for a while and then it's gonna turn into a tan. Ok that may sound dumb or strange to you but just think about it. A sun burn hurts right? Just like how something emotional in your life could hurt. This may hurt for a while but eventually the pain will go away and you'll be golden once again.

I hope that makes sense to you. I happen to think it's quite motivational. It lets you know that no matter what hurts in your life right now, the pain will turn into something beautiful that you can learn from. (Wear sun screen, kids.)

I saw a quote a few years ago in an art museum in Los Angeles. It read "I broke something today, and I realized I should break something once a week to remind me how fragile life is". That stuck with me ever since. You may not have meant to have gotten a sun burn, but it happened. So learn from it. Remember how fragile you are and that can be a beautiful thing.

So yeah.

-  Jillian


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