Dear Underclassmen

There were so many opportunities that I took advantage of when I was in high school and I want to make sure that you don't miss out on all the things that I did. So here are the things that I missed out on that I wish I didn't. Take what I say and do whatever you wish with it while you still have the chance. (This is all I could think of so maybe this'll be a part one.)

1. Do spirit days
2. Challenge yourself when you're in the beginning of high school. (You can take easier classes later and end up in a good place for your future.)
3. Read whenever you get the chance
4. Be apart of a team. It doesn't matter if you're good at the sport in the beginning. But trust me being apart of something bigger than yourself is worth it.
5. Listen to your own heart. It could be the best decision you've ever made.
6. Get involved with your class. It's crazy how much you all connect throughout your senior year, especially.
7. Try to make yourself happy instead of trying to make others like you. I've never approved of this.
8. Trying to get into a relationship just to be in one isn't worth it. I'd rather make connections with people rather than just trying to get a boy to talk to me. I respect myself more than that.
9. Go to all the school events that you possibly can. When it's all over, you're definitely going to feel like you missed out on so many good memories. (And who doesn't want to make good memories?) (This means dances, games, poetry slams, etc.)
10. Please, for the benefit of everyone around you and your own well being, try not to create something out of nothing. Look at the "problem" in the big picture and think "Is this really important? Will it affect my life in the future? Is this something to get mad over?" before acting on something. You'll save a whole lotta tears and time. Plus, people won't get stressed out from everything you say. So let's just help the world. Ok? Ok.

Side Note: You're allowed to make dumb decisions during this period of time. But be aware not to make selfish decisions. The world is so much bigger than just you, so remember how your decisions effect other people.
Side Side Note: That doesn't mean you can just go ridiculously doing dumb things. I mean not always doing what you probably should have.

For most of my four years, I thought high school was a living hell. But looking back on it, I've realized that it has been one of the best times of my life so far. I think this because I look back and see how strong I must've been to have gotten through it and that I made a lot of good memories along the way. I just wish I had gotten more involved sooner. But I'm grateful for the high school experience that I've had. All I can do, is give my tips to those of you that haven't graduated left. Who still have time. So do what you wish with these tips and I hope you make high school turn out to be one of the most memorable times of your life.

Don't take it for granted. It goes by way too fast.

- Jillian


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