Movin' On

It doesn't hurt as much to look at you or think about you anymore. I have the strength to delete pictures of you off of my phone. Ha. It feels good. Freeing. I thought I wouldn't be able to live without you. But time was good to me and taught me that some friendships just aren't meant to last like I expected ours to.

Friendship is extremely important to me. It always has been. But one of the toughest things that the universe has been trying to teach me over the years is that it's important to be friends with yourself. I used to depend on my friends way too much. It was unhealthy. I would've never thought that being super loyal to your friends could be a bad thing but being like that for the past however many years of my life, made it impossible for me to bear when I didn't have anyone to hang out with. I needed to find a balance between caring for others and caring for myself. I'm still learning this today. It's still extremely hard for me to think of myself as my best friend or a friend to myself at all but it has gotten a bit easier to deal with change.

I was in this massive group of people who all became friends and I thought it was the greatest thing to ever happen to me. I couldn't have imagined a point in the future where I wouldn't be friends with these people. But then there came a time where things just stopped working with all of us and I felt heartbroken by it. It's been many months since this event took place in my life and I've learned that it's not the end of the world. Yes, I had some good times with this bunch and many good memories were made but it's time to let go of the people who have already let go of me. Why carry the burden of missing people that don't miss me? Why contribute to my sadness when I can contribute to my happiness instead?

So I kinda had a breakthrough with that situation. Why waste time holding on to people that have let go? It was only bringing me down and adding bits of depression into my life. I decided to write about this now, because it's the end of summer and a lot of people I know are getting ready to start new beginnings in college. I felt like sharing this with everyone who may be going through something like this wether you're starting a new job, moving across the country or even just going into your next year of school. I feel that it's important for us to know that things change and friendships may fade but in time, it gets easier. Also, we may feel stuck like we don't want to move on from a certain friendship but the universe will change our lives for the better and if that means change, then we have to learn to accept it. We can't control everything.

This has been the greatest summer I've been able to experience so far and I've learned so much about cherishing life and what we're given. I've also learned that it's not necessary to carry more weight than we need to because we have to be able to live our lives for ourselves and not dwell on the past for what it was.

I have moved on and I've become a happier person because of it. It may take time but the outcome is worth it.

This is a long post and I may have rambled but YOLO.

- Jillian

P.S. Maybe comment a lil something if you relate or feel like you've learned to accept change recently.


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